Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 1 Recap

It has been 1 week since Jack was born - and what a week it has been! Here's a quick recap of what's gone down over the last week:

  • The c-section was scheduled for Thursday 02-19-09 @ 10am. Mindy almost had her confidence up and ready for an 8am arrival at the hospital, but then we received a call notifying us that an emergency c-section was ahead of us and to plan to come in at 11am. We arrived at 11am, were shown to our room, but were again bumped by other emergencies. This time, it was undetermined when the surgery would begin. Mindy and Tom were joined by Mary, a first year medical student that Mindy was paired with several weeks ago in a voluntary UCSF teaching program that pairs medical students with patients. After several hours, it was finally our turn and the time had arrived when the O.R. was free and prepped for us, so Mindy was setup with an IV, downed some medication to quell stomach acids, and walked to the O.R. where the spinal block (that would numb her from the chest down) was placed in her lower back and other final preparations were made for surgery. Tom was allowed to join her at this time. (PICTURE AT LEFT: Tom and Mindy just before Mindy is walked to the O.R.)


The surgery lasted just under an hour and Mindy was awake throughout. The surgery was frightening, but the staff was comforting and Tom stayed next to Mindy for support. There was no pain, but there was uncomfortable and intense pulling, tugging, pressure, and waves of nausea. At one point well after the surgery, Tom and Mary commented that there was blood and fluid creeping its way along the floor and past the nurses hole-y Crocs a la the old horror movie "The Shining", and squirted onto and past the staff onto the ceiling. Mindy didn't notice a thing. Ask Tom for more gory details if you dare. (PICTURE AT LEFT: Tom and Mindy just before surgery)


Mindy heard Jack cry and quickly looked up to Tom who was looking at her and simultaneously choked up at the joy of that moment. It was 5:07pm.

CLICK HERE for more pictures in the O.R., of Tom cutting the umbilical cord, and Jack's first moments on the outside. Thanks to Mary for taking these amazing pictures!


Jackson Bradford Blossom
Thursday 02-19-09
5:07pm PT
7 lbs 13 oz
19 1/4 inches

Jack was slightly jaundiced at birth which was monitored but does not need to be treated. It will regress with regular feeding.

Full head of hair, the softest baby fuzz ever on body.

Jack lost 10.2% of his body weight over the course of his first 3 days while Mindy's breast milk came in. This was slightly more than they would like to see, so Jack was fed some formula overnight to help boost his weight and then Mindy was instructed to pump extra milk reserves for a couple of days to supplement his current feedings.


Tom's cousins in Sacramento were the first to visit Jack.

CLICK HERE for more pictures of Jack with his cousins Alie (pictured at left), Riley, Kerrie, and Kevin.


Tom stayed with Mindy in the hospital for the 4 night stay until she was released on Monday afternoon, 02-23-09. By law, you cannot bring your baby home unless you have a carseat. No problem. Of course, being responsible and prepared pre-parents, we bought the seat several weeks beforehand and installed it in the car as soon as we drove it off the lot. Carseat - done, check it off the list. However, what we neglected to do is a trial run with the seat itself and all those damn straps that hold baby in tightly to the seat itself. We spent a half hour in the hospital room, with the instruction booklet and Jack between us, trying to figure out how to adjust all those straps and clips so we could actually get Jack in the thing and leave the hospital. We finally gave in and asked one of the many nurses who dropped by the room to help us out. Yippee, NOW we can go home!


MONDAY. ONE WORD - DOULA. When we arrived home that late afternoon, we had some uninterrupted time to enjoy Jack away from the constant barrage of nurses and doctors and admin staff at the hospital. That night, our postpartum doula, Julia, joined us for the first night of her 2 week stay with us. Julia is proving to be invaluable for the lactation expertise/advice she has given us and the comfort she has provided Tom, Mindy, and Jack during the transition period before relatives come for the next month. She arrives around 10pm and leaves at 6am, every other night. During that time, she oversees breastfeeding and ensures Mindy is comfortable (with a c-section, this is invaluable itself!), makes sure Mindy has adequate water and food as wanted, brings Mindy her pain medication in the middle of the night, helps with the pumping schedule by managing the pump and sterilizing the equipment, changes Jack's diapers, and performs light housekeeping. These simple acts allow us to actually get some deep sleep for an hour or two vs. the light sleep you have when you have one ear open for every burp and movement of the baby.

CLICK HERE to find out more about what postpartum doulas do.

WEDNESDAY. FIRST PEDIATRICIAN'S APPOINTMENT. Jack had his first pediatrician's appointment on Wednesday 02-25-09. We love our new baby doc and ours is the first "Jackson" in his practice. Jack gained 2 oz since Monday which is great and everything else checked out happily and healthily.

  • STELLA COMES HOME. Stella's breeders graciously took Stella home with them for a week and a half while we get acclimated. Stella loves it with Jaime and Joe because she gets to go "home" to her Mom and play with their other bulldog pups and young family. There is no better place for Stella to be if she cannot be with us. We miss our other baby terribly and cannot wait for Stella to meet her new baby brother on Saturday.
  • OPEN HOUSE TO MEET JACK. We are holding an open house this Sunday from 12-3 for friends to drop by and meet Jack. Hope we don't have to breastfeed him for 2 of those hours ;)

1 comment:

  1. The author of this blog is quite entertaining! While it was bittersweet to let Stella go back home, it was absolutely wonderful (again) to know she is going to her perfect home! Tom and Mindy, you two were changed today! Clearly in love with your little man. It was nice of you guys to wrangle him free of the car seat so that I could hold him. I hope all is going well with your family of "4". -Jaime
