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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fall Visit to Boston

We made a quick trip to Boston a couple of weeks ago to see Lola, Grandpa, family, and as many friends as we could.  Regrettably, we didn't get a chance to see everyone we wanted to on this trip back East - we live on baby time and between naps now which makes it hard - but Jack is in training to keep up with the typically hectic holiday schedule that we usually keep so he will be good to go in 2012.

Jack enjoyed his time with Grandpa who held his hand through big piles of Fall leaves and caught him at the end of the slide at the playground. Binks, the cat, was a big source of amusement. Grandpa introduced Jack (and us) to some low pressure tennis balls made especially for kids - he can't wait to teach Jack tennis and golf. We visited with the Jose's and Jack especially had fun with his little cousins who took him under their wing and played under the dining room table together and eagerly shared their toys with him.

Jack and Grandpa Jimmy
We stayed with Lola who spoiled Jack with warm new PJs for the cold New England nights and lots of toys to keep him occupied. Jack especially loved dumping out all the giant lego blocks from their container and building towers. We had a lot of fun visiting the Children's Museum and the Aquarium and taking walks around the City.

Jack and Lola
One day we had brunch with Mindy's good friend Maggie, her husband Scott, and their little one, Lola. Maggie and family travelled up from Long Island for the weekend so we were very happy to be able to see them and Lola who was just a couple of months old the last time we got together.

Mindy (528 months), Tom (461 months), Maggie (526 months), Scott (547 months)
Jack (21 months), Lola (14 months)
On another day we visited with Mindy's friend, Eileen. She made us an elaborate lunch and let Jack empty out her cabinets of Tupperware to bang around with and romp through the leaves in her backyard. Jack was especially fascinated by their pet frog.

Mindy, Jack, Eileen
Lucky for us, Jack has turned out to be a pretty good traveler. He slept a bit on way to Boston and only fell asleep the absolute moment we touched down on the way home, but he wasn't THAT kid who was kicking the seat in front of him and screaming up and down the aisles so we feel thankful.

CLICK HERE for more pictures of our trip to Boston.

Check out the video below of Jack's budding harmonica skills:

Check out the video below of Jack on the slide:

Check out the video below of Jack at the Children's Museum:

1 comment:

  1. OMG! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pix of the Blossom's and the Campbell's together!!! and the pix of jack and jimmy is a frame-able keeper!!!
