Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween's Here

UPDATED on October 29,  2011:

Cousin Annie sent a package of treats for Jack and Stella. The candy was all gone in a blink, but the pumpkin socks and straw are a big hit with Jack as were the dog toys with Stella:

Aunt Nancy sent a wooden pumpkin to add to our patch and a Halloween counting book that Jack likes me to read three times before going to bed:

Lola sent Halloween stickers which he used to festively decorate everything from his nose, to his truck, to Bunny Rabbit:


ORIGINAL POSTING October 16, 2011:

If it's mid-October then Halloween must be here.

For the first of our Halloween festivities this year, today Jack and I attended the Bay Area Discovery Museum's annual fundraiser - Goblin Jamboree - with my friend Michelle and her daughter Charlotte.

This is our second year to the Jamboree and it didn't disappoint. There were plenty of activities where the kids each receive prizes like stickers and plastic spiders, we made potions in the witches’ and wizard’s school, listened to live music, patted bunnies in the petting zoo, had a pony ride, and took advantage of the museum's many places to climb and explore.

After naptime and dinner, Jack decorated his first pumpkin by himself with glittery stickers.
I carved a pumpkin last night and opted for an LED light instead of a candle for safety. Halloween has gone high tech. The LED light is very cool with a toggle for a flickering candlelight or steady light effect, a 4 hour or 8 hour timer, and a remote. Jack has figured out the remote and likes to turn on the pumpkin which he did tonight and then proudly placed his pumpkin next to the carved one.

CLICK HERE for more pictures of today at the Goblin Jamboree and Jack decorating his first pumpkin.

CLICK HERE for a flashback to last year's Halloween season.

Here's a video of Jack climbing and crawling through the museum's tree house:

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