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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Almost Hillbilly Jack

A few months ago, Jack was pushed on the playground and hit his mouth on a concrete play structure. His mouth was bleeding and I was quietly flipping out until I identified that the bleeding was coming from his gum (just above one of his two front teeth) and it went away quickly. Crisis averted, I thought.
Jack complained that his front teeth were sore. That's normal after the trauma he experienced, I thought.
Then three weeks later his front tooth started to turn brown. I immediately took him to the dentist who said she saw three of these a day. Not that comforting. What's the prognosis? It could turn more brown, turn back to white, fall out, or stay in -- and we wouldn't be out of the clear for up to a year so it's mostly a waiting game.
So far the tooth has settled on a medium brown color but thankfully it's still firmly intact. So far, so good I guess.

1 comment:

  1. [remember this one? "she's not fat, she's big boned!"]

    He's not a hillbilly, he's a man of action and ABENTURE! [Lola]
