Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jack MeetUp

Jack had more visitors this past weekend which was fun because we always enjoy having friends over and catching up.

We went to India a couple of years ago for the wedding of our friends, Saurabh and Rashi. CLICK HERE for pictures of our amazing trip to India and their wonderful wedding. Saurabh and Rashi now have an 8-month old of their own, Sristi, and the whole family dropped by to visit Jack. It was fun to compare notes and get a preview of what's in store for us as Jack gets older.

Two friends who we travelled with in India, Chris and Sylvia, also dropped by. Chris stopped in before he was off to play baseball with his league this season, the Dirt Bags (no reflection, of course, on Chris). This is Sylvia's second visit with Jack and she commented that he is a much more expressive and alert 6 week old than he was at 1.5 weeks when she saw him last (see her pictured here with Jack).

Our friends, Sarah and her husband Tim, also visited. This was Tim's first intro to Jack and they seemed to take to each other naturally. Sarah sweetly made a huge pan of spanokopita (spinach pie) that was much appreciated and has already supplied two days worth of delicious lunch - many thanks again Sarah!

CLICK HERE to meet our friends.

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