Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 4 recap -- Grandma Pat arrives

Tom's Mom, Pat, flew down from Portland, OR and was the last in our succession of visitors. We were all looking forward to her visit and introducing her to her first grandchild.

Pat's specialty dish is spaghetti which is a Blossom tradition that we look forward to each Christmas Eve. Pat prepared a double batch of her secret recipe at our request so we had enough delicious sauce to freeze.

Pat lived in San Francisco for several years and was a teacher in Marin before she got married. She has several friends in the Bay Area and a good friend of hers, Bessie, dropped by to visit Pat and Jack while Pat was in town. Bessie is a former librarian at the same high school where Pat once taught, Redwood High School in Larkspur California. The school's library is named after Bessie (the Bessie Chin Library) who served the community from 1967-1993.

Jack shared his 5 week birthday with Pat whose birthday was March 19th. Pat, Tom, Jack, and I met with Tom's cousins who live in Sacramento for a visit and a celebratory birthday dinner.

It was a great visit!

CLICK HERE for more pictures of Pat's stay with us.

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