Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time flies: 1 month old

Jack is now one month, and what a difference a month makes!

As previously mentioned in an earlier post, Jack has grown an inch and gained 1 lb 3 oz and is now 9 lbs. All right on target.

He no longer looks at you with blind wondering newborn eyes, and instead focusses intently on your face. He still looks for contrasts and mostly studies your hairline, eyes, and glasses.

Jack was sleepy for the first couple of weeks and is much more alert now and for longer periods of time during the day. These times are fun and we take these short opportunities for "tummy time" or storytime.

He feeds every 2-3 hours and we are starting to figure out a pumping schedule that will allow us to introduce a bottle. With a bottle, we are less dependent on his feeding schedule and can look forward to longer trips outside. As well, Tom will be able to feed Jack and more bonding time.

Jack is now at a weight where we can try different carriers and he is currently getting used to the Baby Bjorn.

1 comment:

  1. He is so beautiful! What a great environment he has to grow and learn in. I am in awe!
