Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 7, 2010

99th Annual Bay to Breakers

On May 16th, Tom ran the Bay to Breakers road race with his cousin-in-law, Brad. Brad, his wife Kerrie, and daughter Alie, road tripped it from Sacramento the day before and stayed with us. We rose early the next day for the start of the race.

The Bay to Breakers is a very fun San Francisco institution that is in its 99th year. The race starts at one end of the city near the Bay (starting by the Embarcadero near the Bay Bridge) and winds its way 12 kilometers through the city and Golden Gate Park (approx 7.5 miles) to the Breakers (at Ocean Beach). The start line is a mix of runners and walkers and kicks off with 60,000 race participants throwing tortillas in the air. In typical San Francisco free-spiritedness, race participants dress up in costumes or go naked. Public drunkenness and urination are prevalent. People cheer from the sidelines while hanging from their windows and atop roofs, and turn their speakers towards the street and crank the music. It's a party from start to finish.

Tom ran in 1:23:12 and he and Brad were both in the first 10,000 to make it across the finish line. This is Tom's second year running the Bay to Breakers. CLICK HERE for pictures of the last time Tom ran to get a sense of the costumes and fun.

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