Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Snuggle Up

We have a "nanny share" arrangement with another couple who have a daughter just around the same age as Jack.

Our nanny, Sarah, is a smart, patient, caring, young woman who has nannied for other families on the East and West coasts and is wonderful with the kids. She takes care of both kids at the same time as we alternate houses with the other couple every other week or two.

This arrangement has worked out really well for us. Jack benefits from a consistent caregiver, in familiar homey environments, and has fun with a playmate during the day. Typical along gender lines, the kids complement each other nicely as the other couple's daughter is more verbally advanced and Jack is more advanced in his motor skills.

One day the kids were playing and crawled into this little kid-sized armchair we have. Then, Sarah quickly immortalized this sweet moment and snapped this shot.

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