Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Jack was starting to look pretty crowded in his crib each night with all his stuffed animals, little pillow, and three blankets.

This month, he started his first overnights at Tom's where he would be sleeping in a new bunkbed with the other little boy in Tom's new family.

Since he was going to be starting a new bed at Tom's anyway, I decided this was the time to transition him to a new big bed at our house too.

First, I bought a book and talked it up with Jack. I explained excitedly that he would have a new bunkbed at Daddy's house and then would come home to a Big Boy bed with Spiderman sheets at Mommy's house.

Next, I spent one long day with my friend, Linda, researching (and surprisingly, negotiating) beds at five different stores. I now know more about beds than I ever thought there was to know. Linda helped me disassemble the crib and bring it down two flights to the garage - lifesaver!

The day Jack came home from his first overnight at Tom's, he flew past my open arms and went straight for his room asking where his new Big Boy bed was.

And he's been loving it ever since!

CLICK HERE for a few more pictures.
Snuggling with Superman


  1. Helping you bed shop was a blast. Glad the mega cute boy loves his big boy bed!

  2. Helping you bed shop was a blast. Glad the mega cute boy loves his big boy bed!

  3. Helping you bed shop was a blast. Glad the mega cute boy loves his big boy bed!
