Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stella Takes A Break

By now, you may know that Stella goes to doggie daycare during the day when we are at work.

When people hear this for the first time, we get one of two reactions: eyerolling and snickering about what a waste of money it is (mostly from non-dog owners) or wide-eyes, nodding of the head and interest (from, you guessed it, dog owners).

Whichever camp you fall into, it has been great for Stella. We love her daycare, MuttleyCrew, and the owner Christine who has provided valuable advice and care for Stella over the past several months and would highly recommend them.

Stella is picked up from home around 8:30am and is dropped off around 4:30pm. She gets to socialize with other pups and gets dog lessons from her peers that can't always be taught by their alpha owners. She has a structured day of play, lunch, nap, poop, play and comes home tired. With all the running around and playtime, sometimes a girl just needs to take a rest, hence the video.


  1. I love the video. Stella is such a beautiful little girl. I was just looking at her litter pictures. You know, she is an Aries... I have a Pisces and an Aries at my house... they get along and are BEST pals half the time, and the other half, they have a full on love/hate thing going on...Good luck guys. I can't wait to babysit the girl and meet Baby Blossom!

  2. I do think its important to have her exposed to lots of other dogs, it leads to a well socialized hound. Getting a live video feed of your dog is the best *nodding head in interest*

  3. Morgan doesn't like to share either but she gives in when she has too. Animals are so funny they have such crazy personalities.
