Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 9, 2009

Suburbia meets Dolores St.

Dolores St., please meet your new neighbor, the 2005 Volvo V70 2.5 Turbo wagon.

If we were having an identity crisis over the transition from being young(ish) urban professional Mission (pseudo) hipsters to Mommy-and-Me, then getting a Volvo station wagon would have been a tipping point.

But thankfully, we know what we are. We're young(ish) urban professional Mission (pseudo) hipsters with a heaping helping of practicality and unapologetic conformism when it makes sense. So, we have proudly embraced bringing a little bit of surburbia to Dolores St. with the addition of our Volvo wagon.

It's quite an upgrade from our former utilitarian (albeit beloved, easy to zip around, and park) Toyota Tercel with its automatic transmission (yippee, especially after 8 years with a standard on those SF hills!), 4 vs. 2 doors, the usual Volvo safety and luxury appointments, and a big back that comfortably seats both Stella and stuff.

Viva la Volvo!


  1. Congratulations! It looks like a great choice for baby blossom and the hound.

  2. OH MY LORD! I never thought I would see the day of Mindy with a NEW car! out are the days of the banana-mobile---in are the days of baby-mobile!

  3. Definitely the perfect car to park in San Francisco! Won't you have to park under the freeway overpasses, with the limos?
