Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stella comes home

The day before Jack was born, we dropped Stella off with Jaime and Joe (Stella's breeders) for a week and a half. We're grateful to Jaime and Joe for taking care of Stella and the love they give her. With Stella having a good time with them and their young family, we were able to focus on the hospital stay and acclimate to the first days with Jack once we returned home.

We picked Stella up this past weekend and introduced her to Jack for the first time. English Bulldogs as a breed are very good with children and Stella was indeed very curious to sniff and smell Jack. She showed a healthy curiosity about the baby but never seemed scared, threatened, or overly jealous by him. We were especially concerned that she would feel distressed if the baby started crying, but she seems to handle it all very well.

As our friend, Renea, explained - we want to make sure that Stella continues to feel part of "the pack". We continued to crate Stella in our room at bedtime and she doesn't seem disturbed by the baby crying and all the commotion at feeding time.

Now both of our babies are home and the family is complete - we're off to a great start!

Here's a short video of Stella meeting Jack (if the video doesn't play and you are at work then try playing it at home, your company may block video):

CLICK HERE for some pictures of Stella meeting Jack.

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