PIXELPIPE http://pixelpipe.com/
You always have your iPhone with you, but you probably don't always have that fancy digital SLR with you (or the time later to download the pics from your camera and then upload them again separately to your blog, Facebook, KodakGallery, etc.) And you're finding that every moment is a Kodak moment.
Pixelpipe is a great iPhone app that allows you to take pics with your iPhone and instantly and SIMULTANEOUSLY upload them (with captions and bylines) to your blog, your email, and/or 60+ different social networks and photo sharing sites.
Instant gratification.
Download from the App store on your iPhone.
BREASTFEEDING/NURSING LOG http://www.andesigned.net/
Pixelpipe is a great iPhone app that allows you to take pics with your iPhone and instantly and SIMULTANEOUSLY upload them (with captions and bylines) to your blog, your email, and/or 60+ different social networks and photo sharing sites.
Instant gratification.
Download from the App store on your iPhone.
BREASTFEEDING/NURSING LOG http://www.andesigned.net/
This iPhone app is an invaluable tool for Mom and worth the 8 bucks to download. With just a click to Start and a click to End, this app resultingly tracks the length of each of your nursing sessions, the start/end time, which side you nursed on, and logs the total number of times and hours/minutes per day, and more. You can add and edit entries manually. The app keeps track of formula and ounces as well. And the info can be exported to an Excel spread too for sharing with your doctor or lactation consultant.
They also make a similar app (for 2 bucks) to track Diaper changes.
Download from the App store on your iPhone.
They also make a similar app (for 2 bucks) to track Diaper changes.
Download from the App store on your iPhone.
ETRE TOUCHY GLOVES http://www.etretouchy.com/
Best invention ever for iPhone users in cooler climates like Northern CA and the Pacific NW. These gloves look like regular knitted gloves - for 3 fingers. But they are fingerless on the iPhone-critical thumb and index fingertips so they give you the freedom to touch, tap, stroke, slide and pinch.
Great for those Kodak moments when you're out and about. No fumbling to get gloves on and off at the risk of losing that perfect shot.
This is so cool!! I wonder if they have similar applications for a blackberry. (I have to check).