Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Diaper Series

Yeah sure, sometimes you wake up all sleep deprived. And then you look over at your kid and you think, OMG he is so cute and then he smiles at you and all of a sudden, you can't wait to start the day again.

These were taken on one such morning. Click here for the "Diaper Series".


  1. Some of the cutest pictures ever, absolute favorite is the one where he's sitting up with the wide eyed look. Many more such happy mornings!

  2. ok it is official again, Jack is the absolute cutest baby on the PLANET!!! look at that face and that smile--doesn't matter how sleep deprived --one look at him and the world is a better place.

  3. wow what a handsome devil. From grandpa jimmy

  4. oh I forgot to mention "i am naming you "senior guapo" figure that one out ..grandpa jimmy
