Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Family Road Trip to Portland, OR

Over the Labor Day weekend, we packed up our bags, put Stella and Jack in the car, and drove to Portland, OR to see Tom's parents. With the Bay Bridge being closed. And 12-14 hours ahead of us. Oy! It was an adventure and a picturesque ride - across the rolling hills and pastures of California then the pine forests and mountains of Oregon, we even saw a rainbow. We stopped in Ashland, OR for lunch - Ashland is essentially half way between San Francisco and Portland and is known for their annual Shakespeare festival. A few random pics from the road:


  1. Oh, Jack, Baby you can drive my car

  2. Mindy.... I lost your e mail in the big crash of the summer. It is going to be HOT again I see. I was kind of short in my response regarding the crate. I don't trust the girls for long periods of time. If we leave for two or three hours, I keep them confined to the kitchen. If you can trust Stella not to chew, let her be out. She is old enough now to behave, but you know best if she is trustworthy. If not, lock her up in the bathroom. Tile, tile, tile. -Jaime
