Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jack's New Ride

It was finally time to let go of Jack's beloved infant carseat stroller frame - often called a "Snap & Go" like you might call tissues "Kleenex" or a photocopy a "Xerox". For you language geeks (like me!) that's an eponym. Yeah, Google it.

Anyway, we loved being able to move the carseat from the car and click it onto the stroller frame and presto, instant stroller. But our carseat is heavy and Jack is now heavy which made the frame more unstable and difficult to maneuver (especially if you have a 50 lb. bulldog pulling you back and forth during a walk around town). The frame has small wheels and wasn't able to jump the train tracks or sidewalk curbs anymore. And Jack was increasingly nudgy with being in more of a reclined position than a sitting position.

So it was time to get a big-boy stroller. We opted for the mid-line City Mini by BabyJogger and both he and we are very happy with its snappiness, lightness, maneuverability, big sun shade, bigger wheels and its ability to fold up like a taco with one hand (great for when we have Jack in the other arm). We miss how Jack used to face us in his Snap & Go (he now faces out), but he didn't seem to have any separation anxiety about that like we did - he just enjoys the world as it strolls by him.


  1. He even looks big in the new stroller. Time goes by too fast! I often wonder to myself, "How did my family get 'here'?" He still remains one of the cutest little babies I have ever seen! He has the cutest big sister too :-).


  2. Very sharp - that Jack knows how to hit the road in style!
