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Monday, October 31, 2011

Pet Pride Day

I took Stella yesterday to the San Franciso Pet Pride Day in Golden Gate Park. The annual event is put on by the San Francisco Animal Care and Control.

Under clear blue skies and unobstructed sun in a meadow in Golden Gate Park, Stella and I made our way around the tents from various retail and rescue partners.

We spun a wheel and won some specialty doggie food, received plenty of treats, freebies, and pats. Stella got a nail trim and even received a massage.

The afternoon heated up quickly and Stella doesn't do well in the heat. She was one pooped pooch afterwards and sat next to me in the passenger seat on the way home where we blasted the A/C all on the way until we reached the front door.

It was a hot day today and thankfully there were lots of water stations.

Sporting her Bone Bandana, one of her many freebies.

Getting a doggie massage - and loving it.

One pooped pooch after all the fun!

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