Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Another Month of Halloween Ends

A giggly shark and Santa Claus
Well, another Halloween month has come and gone.

Jack's preschool joined a costume parade this morning through the Marina neighborhood and he got lots of stickers and candy. When I picked him up from school, he was obsessed with his candy. I tried to convince him that candy is a treat and we eat it after dinner but that didn't fly. He asked me to unwrap a Tootsie roll and I took a bite - but evidently he didn't want to share either because he took a fit on the way home. See the video below for "Mommy Ate My Candy". After two years of barely any sugar, Jack now has "candy" firmly in his vocabulary.

After school, Jack and I went to our friend's house for pizza before heading out together for trick-or-treating on Fair Oaks Street. Their little boy, WyWy (Wyatt) is the same age as Jack and they are best buds.

On Halloween Day, Fair Oaks is closed to traffic for several blocks and the whole street gets into the action with decorations, music, haunted houses, etc. This is our second Halloween at Fair Oaks and Jack is so much fun as he is getting older. He and WyWy ran down the hills and from house to house to get treats. All the while laughing, holding hands, and pulling each other around.

CLICK HERE to see this year's pics of Jack and I with WyWy and friends trick-or-treating.

CLICK HERE to see us all last Halloween at Fair Oaks.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable costume...and Mommy now you know what a year older means...cant get away with eating Jack's candy!..from donna ..I havent figured out how to post without choosing just anonymous. lol
