Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Mummy

Recently Jack has been asking questions like, "what happens after you die?" and "who was the first person on earth?" So, we've been discussing mummies and how the Egyptians treated bodies through mummification in prep for the after life (an absolutely fascinating topic, I think!).

We decided to make a mummy and sarcophagus, complete with jewels that s/he might need in the afterlife.

Sculpey is a great clay that's malleable into any shape and then is baked for 15 minutes to harden. Since it bakes for such a short time, we can do other things in the meantime and Jack doesn't lose interest in our activity. We chose white since the idea was to paint the sarcophagus in glitter paint.

Jack formed the mummy and a two-headed dog since mummies often took their pets with them. I went to work on the sarcophagus. We made a dog bowl and jewels.

Once baked and hardened, Jack wrapped the mummy in surgical tape and painted the sarcophagus and decorated it with beads.

CLICK HERE for more pictures.

Click the video below to see the finished product:

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